it was formed by reason of the mischievous thinking of myself being flooded with problems but the problem surrendered willingly because of my handsomeness.
And basic life hacks can be learn.
Damn I heard this guy established the company called kaitology , is he even bababoey??
yeah we're the company who deals with stupidity of human kind (especially kamong mga bisayawa). usually memes enthusiast who creates 21st century memes for gen z . (bisayawa supremacy)
CEO - k41t0_x
bai GI search lagi nimo Ang kaitology ?(Dile ko katuo gi-search Pani NIMO hahahaha.)
A father, a fighter even a brother that you can trust to lean on at all times.
and copes with every test at all times.
tanang butang kaya buhaton para sa ikalambo sa iyang pamilya
bai : kinsa siya?
pre: ataya batsi nako
bai : ngano diay ?
pre : don't you know the legendary mamakiay ng maparat ? he's Eager beaver
bai : omagad batsi nako si "hunger man " man diay ni basin unya ug makulatahan pako ! damn