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A socially acceptable and very popular form of racism/discrimination/bigotry/prejudice/xenophobia against English people.

Person A: I just had a history class about the evil British Empire. God, I hate the English, kill them all if I could! Those Scots and Welsh are really nice though, play a game of football with them any day!

Person B: Yeah it's all English peoples fault, even though they weren't even born then. Although, I like the French, Spanish, Dutch and Germans, can't bash them for their ancestors imperialistic ways.

Person A: Me too, same for the Belgians, Portuguese, Italians and Japanese.

Person B: Hey, some idiot said to me that I'm Anti-English and that the USA and China are today's imperialists. I laughed in their face!

by hairymole March 4, 2010

30👍 12👎


An iTourist is any person who gains fulfilment by visiting Apple stores with the sole purpose of viewing Apple's latest godly creation. Often seen as a person who can't actually afford to purchase the heavenly gadgets on display but will spend most of the day drooling over them. Also known as an iPilgrim or an iWorshipper.

Breaking News: Apple have released their latest iPhone 9G following last weeks release of their now out-of-date iPhone 8G...

iTourist: ooooh, I gotta ring in sick today and get down to the Apple Store right away to see what it looks like. I'd better take a picnic so I don't get hungry!

by hairymole February 1, 2010


An iPilgrim is any person who gains fulfilment by visiting Apple stores with the sole purpose of worshiping Apple's latest godly creation. Often seen as a person who can't actually afford to purchase the heavenly gadgets on display. Also known as an iWorshipper or an iTourist.

Breaking News: Apple have released their latest iPhone 9G following last weeks release of their now out-of-date iPhone 8G...

iPilgrim: ooooh, I gotta ring in sick today and get down to the Apple Store right away to see what it looks like. Oops, so excited, I think I just cum in my pants, better turn them inside-out first!

by hairymole February 1, 2010

7👍 3👎