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fart shorts

Fart Shorts are the ratty, old sweat shorts you pull on after coming home from work and changing out of your really nice clothes. You fart in them.

Why are you using my fart shorts to wash your car, Dan?

by handle&&7 March 14, 2014

jargon barf

The words spewed out at many business meetings and presentations where lots of speaking occurs but no ideas or concepts are actually communicated.

Let's make a drinking game out of the jargon barf coming out of this presentation.

by handle&&7 December 19, 2018


the gap in your buddy's face where his tooth was pulled out; especially on an adult. Can occur from accidents during Parkour.

Your toothhole is radical. Did you just come back from the dentist or did you spill on the parkour run?

by handle&&7 June 30, 2011

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