Source Code


noun, acronym. The War Against Terror

He works in the Homeland Defense Department, a mid-level official in T.W.A.T

by hasbro June 19, 2006

20πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

home schooled


Too be taught at home.Describing the process in which one or both parents keep their child out of public or private schools to better insulate them and indoctrinate them into their own world view. Often done by religious or anti science zealots to prevent their child learning alternate real world views.

slang: A put down said of another who struggles with any view outside their own.

I tried to talk to him about evolution, but he was home schooled and told me Noah brought Dinosaurs on his Ark.

by hasbro July 6, 2006

315πŸ‘ 165πŸ‘Ž


In political circles, a member of the 20 percent (who ALWAYS supported George W. Bush no matter what) and now continuing on in the current self destructive tendency of Hardcore republicans, i.e. Teabag parties} and now those that reject the Reality of President {Obama's birth certificate..'Birthers'.

A final culmination of utter insanity and self implosion.

Rush Limbaugh} is calling up his {dittoheads}, and Teabagabirthers to rampage {town hall meetings} and shout like lunatics.

In as yet another failed and fake outrage, Birthers have now merged with the earlier failure of Teabaggers

by hasbro August 10, 2009

85πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


A common name of a WASP who has inherited old money and does not have to work for a living.

Oh Bif, let's play a set of tennis.

by hasbro July 7, 2006

35πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


noun. Slang: for female anus. Likely of African American usage/creation

Yo dog, I cruised to the new 940 club, met this biiatch, man she was a FREAK! I took her back to my crib, and we got it on. I fed that cat the bird all night long, then rolled her over and tore that buttercup up!!

by hasbro June 19, 2006

25πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

8 ball

A good amount of coke for two people.

Hey you slut... Wanna come over and do an 8 ball?

by hasbro August 24, 2003

264πŸ‘ 379πŸ‘Ž


noun, slang for Penis

She likes me, especially since she found out I have a big bird. Her Cat eats my bird all up!!

by hasbro June 19, 2006

54πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž