Source Code


IQs cannot go into the negatives.

by hatred July 19, 2003

26๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


3) An idiot who thinks that 5 minutes tops on a rainy day spent writing a humorous rib is a "waste of time", and is obviously offended by it if he is so desperate to go as far as bringing it over AIM.

3) hatred: "Go watch some more Dragonball Z, geek boy." Somebody: "LOLZ you wasted your time writing that! By the way, I'm going to completely contradict myself by asking to bring this to AIM directly after my former sentence about wasting time!"
hatred: "Owned"

by hatred July 14, 2003

6๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the few respectable countries left in Europe, Ireland suffered many years under the harsh rule of the evil British. However, by 1900's, the Irish were fed up and whooped their oppressors asses. The British government, being the fuckups that they are, divided Ireland into the Republic of Ireland and North Ireland (Ulster). Efforts from the fair and respectable Sinn Fein and other nationalist parties, to unite the island that is rightfully theirs, have been unsuccessful thanks to British vote "miscounting" and scare tactics.

Irish are often blamed for "harboring terrorists". However, the IRA is a freedom fighting organization who targets military more than civilian targets. British people, being the anti-American assholes they are, will always blame them getting their asses whooped by the IRA on the US because of rightful funds being sent to the IRA from businesses in Boston and New York.

by hatred December 1, 2003

987๐Ÿ‘ 361๐Ÿ‘Ž

parking nazi

A "police officer" who isn't really police, since they couldn't make the cut. Instead, they were given the daunting task of placing tickets on unsuspecting cars, often times praying specifically on cars worth more than Parking Nazi's house (Acura and above, LOL). Can be annoying, but if you have a relative in the police department, you can have the tickets taken care of since Parking Nazis fear real police.

The Parking Nazi can be found praying mostly on education facility parking lots or around train stations.

by hatred February 5, 2004

32๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

gooked out

To act of putting way to many accessories on your car. Blue headlights and maybe some 18' Rims look nice on the right cars, but putting 17929874219822 stickers, a three foot high spoiler that looks like it was taken off a NASCAR wreck, a paintjob that resembles an odd mix of Las Vegas and Ebola-ridden death, out of place trims, and some shit written across the windshield that nobody cares about, is 'gooking it out'.

Riceboy: "Yo, check out mah Honda Civic. Sure it has a top speed of 50mph, and it's front wheel drive because I'm afraid of oversteer, but dem flame stickers on da side is phat!"
Me: "More like FLAMER stickers"

by hatred June 19, 2003

27๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


A once respectable gaming console company in the mid-80's to early 90's... It has now fallen to a shameful level of using desperate capitalist measures, including cheaply made merchandise (eg: Pokemon), and releasing games that are high in graphic and low in storyline/maturity.

It's mascot is Mario, a stereotype Italian who fights enemies often named after racial slurs for Italians. (eg: goombas)

The oldschool Nintendo generation has grown up, and it's fanbase now consists of fanboys whom are too young to ploy their parents into buying a Playstation 2 (PS2) with GTA3, or a high end computer capable of playing Battlefield 1942 or even Quake.

Nintendork: "Wow, Metroid Prime with it's cheesy alien-zapping HalfLife ripoff game play and tedious backtracking is awesome! And it's the long awaited sequal to a l33t game that was a hit before I was even born! This is obviously the best game ever made!
Common Sense Gamer: Shut the hell up and pick up a copy of Starcraft or Battlefield 1942 if you want good gaming.

by hatred May 17, 2003

153๐Ÿ‘ 525๐Ÿ‘Ž


Yet another definition that has nothing to do with the real word, yet some punk who was angered by my previous definition of prep created the false illusion that he could "get me back" by writing an extreme half-assed, archaic insult that looks like it was pounded out by 1000 chimpanzees on 1000 type writers.

Punk: "Oh no, after reading that definition of what a prep really is, I mistuck my heroin needle into my wrist and nearly bled to death. But it's all good, because IM SO FULL OF PAIN AND SUFFERING, WAAH. By the way, I think I'll write a cheesy comeback toward hatred."

hatred: "They say if you let 1000 chimpanzees on 1000 type writers... Sooner or later, one will make an offensive insult. That was not it."

by hatred June 19, 2003

5๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž