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The coolest, most awesome last name in the entire universe. Originating from samurai, the Mitsutomi's have become world-known and are extremely attractive. They are known to be quite metal but have a gentleness that comes only from God. They are mostly into killing people with donkey jaws, but will settle for a tail bone.

Man, you just wish you were a Mitsutomi.

by hc4jc January 18, 2008

10👍 3👎


The Creator of the Universe. However, God did not create evil. He is not to blame for your shortcomings or tribulations. Evil came with itself and satan when sin entered the world (through Eve and Adam eating of the forbidden tree). God put the tree in the Garden of Eden because He wanted Adam and Eve to have a choice in worshipping Him. He doesn't want mindless drones running around.

A lot of Christians do not portray the life God wants them to live and they do condemn, but that is not God's fault. We're all human and we make mistakes. Why can't we accept that God knows that and is STILL willing to work with us. That's because He loves us that much.

I have been at a point where I hated God. I realized God didn't have it in for me and now I am trying to be un-selfish and I share with those who will listen. I will not force my religion on you, for you will read this of your own accord, but I will tell you that He is not some big "evil pixie in the sky". God and evil don't even make sense when used in the same sentence.

But please, not all Christians are hypocritical pigs who don't make sense. Don't put it against all of us.

I don't judge you, for who am I to judge, so you shouldn't judge me either. Of course, we make mistakes. See, right now. You probably think I'm dumb, or brave if you agree. Or something else entirely.

God is my Saviour and Redeemer. I owe my very life to Him.

by hc4jc January 18, 2008

39👍 47👎