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A stinking shithole of a city populated by the lowest people on the planet. If you arrive at Lime Street Station take my advice and get on the first train out to anywhere else. This place makes downtown Baghdad look like Venice at the height of summer. As soon as you step out of Lime Street you are greeted by a decaying concrete monstrosity and the most chavs you will ever see in one place. True there are a couple of niceish buildings but would you travel to Kabul to see one pretty building?

Forget anything you have heard about scouse humour. If your idea of comedy is robbing grannies, begging in the street, sniffing glue, stabbing anyone for anything or shoplifting then you will have a ball. Otherwise stay away.

Another warning is avoid these scumbags when they travel abroad. I live in Amsterdam and due to those twats at easyjet these arseholes can now travel abroad quite cheaply. They are easy to spot as they come here with one pair os shell suit bottoms and one liverpool FC top. They generally hunt in packs ie they come in a bar bringing a liverpool flag, sing for an hour and fuck off. They are hated by all (especially the dutch)and should not be allowed passports. Build a wall round the place and do everybody a favour.

Try playing spot the scouser at Schiphol going back to Liverpool. My Dutch mates think it is hilarious that people should be allowed to dress like they do.

by heerhugowaard November 11, 2006

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