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Derivative of dongbeiren, these are those big belly, tattooed mafia like people that reside in the north 3 provinces in mainland china. They may look intimidating, but they sway when they walk and fight with what ever they can find. Ruthless and doesnt consider consequences of their actions.

dongbairen: "MLGB! say it again!" (your mums pussy!)
normal person: "what, i didnt say anything"
dongbairen: *gets a street cleaners broom* "dasini!"(beat you to death!)
normal person: dead

by heijingcha May 17, 2021

15👍 3👎


The subreddit r/chonglangtv is a safe space for mainland chinese that share a love for funny videos, anime, hentai. but mostly hentai.

Yo i saw this nsfw post on chonglangtv, i was hoping for a funny video but it was just some cartoon porn.

by heijingcha May 17, 2021

69👍 101👎


Probably the most accurate definition of a foreigner that resides in mainland China. A yangren(洋人)or more commonly know as yangguizi(洋鬼子)is the foreigner you know that cant speak any chinese besides 给我啤酒(give me a beer) and shay shay (butchered way of saying thanks谢谢). In order for the to graduate to the level of laowai(老外,a higher class of foreigner), their vocabulary must include 菜单(menu), 我要这个(i want this), 你有手纸吗(do you have toilet paper) and 你有短裤吗(do you have shorts). On top of that, they must quit their 8 year stint at a kindergarten and graduate to training center.

average zhou 1: "you see see that laowai"
average zhou 2: "bro, that not a laowai, he is a yangren"
average zhou 1: "how can you tell?"
average zhou 2: "he teaching kindergarten with a beer in his hand"

by heijingcha May 19, 2021

16👍 3👎


A new frontier, where anything is possible....Through the means of volunteer workers and happy camps. Ever looked at that broken ass doohickey you got and thought "aww shit, made in China". Have you ever thought where in China it came from. Well, let me tell you, China has over 5000 YEARS HISTORY (lol more like 72 years, heck Taiwan existed before then).

Xinjiang is all the buzz the past 10 years, more so the recent few. The west (and anyone that no longer makes money from China) have been slamming(media buzz word) China for the use of holocaust era concentration camps and committing genocide. The foreign mouthpieces for China have said that anyone is welcome to Xinjiang and see the lack of said camps. However, when journalists applied for visas and travel to the area, they have be outright denied. So west, your move. Cant prove something is happening if you cant go.

SJW: "omg im like, soo going to my congressman about the xinjiang camps"
armchair expert: "here, give them these pictures(the same pic when you google uyghur concentration camps literally plastered everywhere)
congressman: "whats this, another shin g-yang letter for the shredder. love me some tax dollars"
xinjiang uyghur: "wtf mate"
prison guard 1: "快点!你今天想吃饭吗”
prison guard 2: "操!我插你的屁股!“

by heijingcha May 19, 2021

23👍 11👎

little pink

In mainland China, you had the 五毛党(50c party) that basically just posted propaganda comments for the low low price of 50c. Years and years of doing so resulted in regular people conducting such prestigious tasks for free. These are known as the "little pink", pinkys, 小粉红

pajeet: "haha, yo zhou take a look, it is xijinping and he looks like a chutiya!"
kyle: "yeeee hawww, aint he lork jus lyke winne da poo!"
little pink zhou: "法克鱼(phonetic sound for fuck you)!foreigner! you roll(滚) back to your country! A-meh-li-ka! You have slave before, we have slave now. It's ok la! cnmb!

by heijingcha May 19, 2021

35👍 5👎