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1. a (noun) meaning a man with an overwhelming desire to have an extreme amount of sex. mayos are known to be very well indowed and make excellent boyfriends as well as lovers.

2. a (noun) mayo is a thick white substance, some people spread on sandwhiches. made from oil, eggs, vinegar and seasonings.

1. "mayo and i have amazing sex on a daily basis!"

2."i want some mayo on my sandwhich please."

by herbalangelkc February 4, 2010

146👍 119👎


lexus (noun) meaning an indivual possesing great potential, beauty as well as an immense ammount of drive, pleasant dissposition, good natured. extremly intelligent, very beautiful with a very unique sense of humor.

lexus is a very beautiful girl, and i love her very much!

by herbalangelkc February 4, 2010

371👍 115👎