The best band director in all of the land, leading his loyal band to victory in their competitions. A very sensibly fashionable man, particularly associated with the phrase "U won't", he makes a living off of making children cry, especially when the clarinet section only has one player in it (please end my suffering.)
Guy 1: "Did you see the band director at our school?"
Guy 2: "Yeah I did! He is such a Mr. Ross!"
Guy1: "Dude, I love Mr. Ross!!"
i got the honey you got the honey but i got the sugar you might got those but i got creamy peanut butter croissant nutela beans mitsubishi materials yall got all those but you forgot about the macaroni and cheese what the fuck mmm creamy italian cheddar cheese brbrbrbrbr heinz tomato ketchup i got the nilla wafers mom cooked the beenie weenies