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Polecatariat: (n) A privileged government servant who has never had a successful job in the private sector to gain real world experience. 2) A member of the Polecatariat class. Proletariat

Chuck had never drawn a check the taxpayers didn't write, so he had no clue how to manage a business budget or even a personal budget--Chuck was insulated among other Polecatariat members. Deficit Spending

by heywood704 February 18, 2015

slideshow bob

Proper noun.

1. That annoying boss or coworker who puts the most trivial information into PowerPoint format.
2. Anyone who creates those maddening social media posts that you find are slow loading slideshows accompanied by dozens of ads.

Oh, Slideshow Bob had us sitting through half an hour of stupid PowerPoint again this morning.

by heywood704 January 1, 2018