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she's the type of girl people try and avoid. she doesn't talk a lot, and most people are shocked to find out that she can. she's generally a nice person, if you take the time to get to know her, but don't piss her off. she'll fuck your shit up.

generally doesn't care about her appearance. dresses mostly in dark colors, and most people assume she's satanic based on her looks, and preferences in music.

she has a very open taste in music, listening to a variety of genres. but, mostly sticking to metal, and death-core.

she's insecure, and doesn't trust many people. so, if you're lucky enough to gain her trust, don't fuck up and lose it.

anonymous person1; shit. i think i pissed lilly off.
anonymous person2; oh, dude. that sucks, she's fucking crazy. she'll probably put a curse on you or something. you know she's into that shit.

by hgwea October 22, 2013

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