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- verb
To "Ira" someone, is to assult them with an excessive amounts of questions. Often relating to scheduling, but not always.

Todd: Frank, what's your schedule today?
Frank: I'm off.
Todd: What about tomorrow?
Frank: I work until 6 pm.
Todd: How about next Thursday?
Frank: Ughh, I think I work.
Todd: Do you think you will be off September 8th?
Frank: Fuck man, I don't know, stop being such a Ira!

by hipsterwhiteguy August 26, 2014

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To "Bryson" is to be casually late, but knowing you could be easily on time.

Guy 1: Hey man, didn't Todd challenge you to a fight at the flag pole at 1:00 pm?
Guy 2: Yeah he is late, he totally pulled a Bryson on me, it's 1:37 pm!

by hipsterwhiteguy August 25, 2014

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Traditional Bro

- (noun) An advanced version of a basic bro who does things the “traditional” way. Can be often attributed to the following characteristics/habits:

• Says he likes his whiskey neat, and makes it a point to tell everyone that “I’m a whiskey neat type of guy.”
• Has his last name tattooed on his back.
• Has been wearing the same ball cap since high school, and refuses to wash it.
• Every girlfriend is a potential marriage victim, because that’s how he was raised. (strong possibility of a Valentine’s Day proposal, it’s the traditional thing to do)
• Often quotes “How I Met Your Mother” or “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.”

Friend: “Hey, what are you drinking there?”
Traditional Bro: “It’s Maker’s Mark, neat.”
Friend: “Man, that must burn, drinking it straight!”
Traditional Bro: “Nah, I’m a whiskey neat type of guy, doesn’t phase me.”

Friend: “Hey, you and LaKashandra are moving kind of fast, moved in together after 3 months?”
Traditional Bro: “Hey man, I don’t play games, I’m here for the long haul, it’s the traditional way.”

by hipsterwhiteguy October 9, 2018

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