Source Code

Cock Lock

When you tie your dick around your bike so nobody can steal it.

I forgot my combination lock at home, I guess I’ll just have to use the cock lock again.

by hitlersashes December 9, 2019

10👍 2👎

Squeegee Board

The act of ejaculating onto a Oujia board to impregnate your dead wife

Me and Kim wanted another child but she died so I gave her a squeegee board.

by hitlersashes December 6, 2019

Two-way ticket

When you and your buddy exchange shits into eachother’s assholes.

Wanna come over later for a two-way ticket?

by hitlersashes December 6, 2019

Sticky Beach

The art of dipping a woman in glue and then proceeding to throw her grandpa’s ashes on her

She kept pissing me off so I made her into a sticky beach

by hitlersashes January 23, 2020

Pink Slip

The act of inserting a piece of paper into your girlfriends vagina while she’s on her period and proceeding to write the United States Constitution on it.

Hey babe, be careful or I may surprise you with a pink slip;)

by hitlersashes December 6, 2019

25👍 74👎

Cum Blaster

When you let your cum build up so it can shoot extremely hard at people.

She’s been evading her taxes for months, time for the cum blaster.

by hitlersashes December 9, 2019

Niagra Falls

When you waterboard a bitch with your jizz

I gave her a Niagra Falls until she drowned

by hitlersashes December 5, 2019

2👍 2👎