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A cake made out of your dad. Some people bake ashes of their deceased loved ones in a cake and eat it as part of some crazyass mourning ritual.

When Bonnie's dad died, they baked a dadcake.

by hobrarian June 9, 2006

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A library chick who seems really sweet and nice and shy when out. But, once you get her alone turns into a raging sexual freak.

Sara is great at her job as a librarian in Texas, but when you get her alone, she turns into a total hobrarian.

by hobrarian May 13, 2006

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1. The profession or function of offering snide remarks; sarcasm.
2. The art or science of snarking; esp., instruction in methods.

When Greg offered prizes for backchannel comments, it was pure snarkagogy.

by hobrarian August 18, 2010

train wreck

An online discussion thread that gets out of control. It often splits into conflict and an off-topic discussion. Like a train wreck, it 'moves quickly' because people are posting faster than they are reading the responses.

That Yahoo news forum on Dubya is such a train wreck. People are yelling and talking about terrorists. I can't keep up with it.

by hobrarian October 6, 2008

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Man TV

A 50" or larger television. The typical man tv is a large plasma HDTV with surround sound. The more features, the more manly the tv is.

I can actually see the puck when I watch hockey on my man tv.

by hobrarian January 12, 2008

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ash wednesday

creepy cathylick holiday where they walk around with death symbols on their foreheads

Dude looks like he was dork-slapped by a mechanic. Oh yeah, I forgot it's Ash Wednesday.

by hobrarian March 3, 2004

8πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


To ignore symptoms that should be diagnosed and tell the patient, it's nothing."

I showed the doctor a mole that looked like cancer and he diagnored me.

by hobrarian June 10, 2015