"mormon hoe" aka a mormon who hooks up, usually in the form of a ncmo and usually at a lookout lot such as Squaw Peak, and gets as kinky and creative as they can to keep making out interesting while still technically not breaking any mormon rules. some tactics include but are not limited to: biting, bondage, hair pulling, feeling up, durfing, tops off, hickies, boob sucking, licking of abs, hj through the pants, sucking fingers, scratching, teasing
"Hey do you know if Zach from our ward gets with girls? Or is he too holy for that because of the mission"
"Are you kidding he is a straight moho!! He durfs until the sun comes up even on the Sabbath!"
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The act of dry humping while making out, mostly between "normal mormons" in Provo, Utah. A typical hookup among mormon millenials involves making out and durfing aka "dick surfing" at a lookout spot such as the Y parking lot or Squaw Peak
"Dude I totally hooked with this chick from my ward last night"
"Yeah? Is she good in bed?"
"I dont really know man we were just making out and durfing in the backseat of my car"
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