Cy is the most incredible person you will ever meet in your entire life. Ever. He is insanely athletic, beautiful in every way possible and has bounties of adoring friends and fans. Everyone wants be like Cy or be Cyâs friend and if they arenât well no one likes them. He wins at everything, in sports, academically, socially and especially in Monopoly. He will probably be the greatest person to ever live if he continues his life like he is currently. Take the time to find a Cy you know and tell them how incredible and superior in every way they are, and if itâs and especially kind and nice Cy then feel free to bow down to them and ask for an autograph. They may not have time to sign their autograph but if they do it will probably sell for $1,000,000 on EBay so everyone wins.
âCy is so perfectly perfect on every way. He is the perfect male specimenâ aid Ellen DeGenerous and Oprah and Leonardo DiCaprio and Harry Styles and Barrack Obama as Cy won is 48th Olympic Medal and Oscar at the same time and did a backflip over LeBron James
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