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"I'll rail"

Oreo you tonight and make you sugondeez nuts.

by hutaocomehomeplez October 17, 2021


If you have never met Eula, you might as well have never seen an ass that big, and thighs that thick. Being the thickest of all Teyvat, she makes everyone gay. It is to resist someone like Eula.

Yanfei: Have you seen Eula? She's so hot
Amber: Don't even get me started

by hutaocomehomeplez June 14, 2021

74👍 6👎


a boy with great potential to succeed in life, with the only thing stopping him from his goals being his desire for young underaged lolis.

Friend: "send answers for chem assignment"
Zhewen: "Wait I'm buying a qiqi bodypillow>"

by hutaocomehomeplez June 14, 2021