Located in the middle of Northwood, New Hampshire, on Lucas Pond, Yavneh is often referred to as the most amazing of all overnight camps. To non-Yavneh goers, Yavneh may be known as "that really religious Jewish camp in the middle of New Hampshire," but to campers, it is Yavneh, their home away from home. The place where Orthodox to Reformed families can all send their children. The place where campers beg to come back, some for two months, year after year.
Some say they sing in the dark until their eyes close and their throat's hurt and their voices can bear no more sound. The can dance for hours, rikud after rikud. And they swim, and play sports and do all the other things normal camps do. But Yavneh is different, Yavneh is extraordinary.
Yavneh is not only a place but a time that campers wish they would never have to leave. And when they eventually do have to pack their bags and say goodbye, their hugs are wet with the tears that stream down their face. During the year campers count days until camp will begin again. And the cycle continues, on and on, dor le dor.
When can i go back to Camp Yavneh?