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noun, human detritus, esp. with perverse connotations.

Singular and plural are identical denoting a substance, as with water.
Phonetically it is a corrupted form of "debris" perhaps combined with "dirty", i.e. debris + dirty = derby.

1 - He couldn't help at first being repulsed by the crack-whore as he handed her the crumpled $10 bill, even though he knew he would be submerged in her rancid derby soon enough.

2 - She went back to work in the kitchen after using the bathroom without so much as washing the derby from her hands.

by hypomnesis October 6, 2009

34👍 28👎


HDML stands for Herp-Derp Markup Language. Broken or incorrectly implemented HTML that ends up being displayed as garbled text on the page, such as the following:

Show the one you love how you <i>really</i> feel this Christmas!

The frequent occurrence of HDML in the stranger's email body led Randolph Carter to suspect a phishing scheme.

by hypomnesis March 9, 2011

4👍 4👎