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Bluebird's Illusion

A fangame created by 4 Chinese students in 2004 of the manga/anime Fullmetal Alchemist/Hagaren. It portrays a 'what if' Edo worked in Central with the Lt. and it takes place after Edo and Aru get their bodies back. One of the 4 alternate endings results in Edo killing himself and becoming the seven deadly sin, Pride.

Bluebird's Illusion is a bitch to get ahold of because you can only get it on Chinese auction sites. xp

by iNsaNeucHiha November 30, 2005

55πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


1.an incredibly amusing word to the hitomi. . .hahahah
2.Relation of the blubbernugget and anal sack.

OH MY GODS A YAM BIT MY ANUS IN HALF!! i guess im a halfie now.

by iNsaNeucHiha February 25, 2005

4πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

anal sack

A large half testicular, half mutated lollipop organ that exhists in between the two flabtastical cheeks of an anus. Sometimes the sack breaks its sakular or, sticky covering that keeps it from falling out, and dangles between the leg. If not taken care of properly you may turn into a blubbernugget or yam.

Sometimes, the anal sack is so hideous, that it can be used in a similar manner as what we like to call the medusa treatment.


by iNsaNeucHiha August 4, 2005

20πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


1. an incredibly shy yet outgoing person from Naruto. He hates the phrase 'dontcha know' and goes on suicidal rampages when hearing it. xD
His favorite foods are onigiri <3 and tomatoes although he knows hitomi hates them. his -ahem- has been dubbed captain retardo although he is very talented in bed for he has slept with many a man and uses his 'mirror eye wheel' sharingan to copy his lovers 'moves'.so BEAT THAT EVIl ANTI SASUKE PEOPLE! :P

incorrect:lyk omg i think s@asuke is lyk s00000 kyute.

correct:Uchiha Sasuke is the fucking sexiest person on the face of the earth. and is seme to naruto -^.^-

by iNsaNeucHiha February 25, 2005

110πŸ‘ 277πŸ‘Ž


1. The name for Hitomi and Zazu
2.A bulbous sack filled with anal-like fluid. It tends to jiggle when it is poked and explodes on occation.
3.When a Hitomi and a Zazu come in contact, a large analistic sound is heard as well as I got you babe by sonny and cher. Anyways, its the reunition of these to psychos.
4.A fat fuck.

1.NUGS!!! We are SHhhhyrus, and Blubbernuggetshh Shzemchishh!
2. Aww shit aww shit the stick is on fire! and my blubbernugget popped!!
3. My mother died from the blubbernugget.
4.Holy shit man look at the blubbernugget. It cant even walk, its in a wheelchair!

by iNsaNeucHiha February 25, 2005

11πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


hitomi's favorite word in which she drives her friends at school and her boyfriend ABSOLUTELY INSANE!!!Can be used for any adjective.

Ah this is so succulent. I cant believe my anal sack has exploded!

by iNsaNeucHiha February 25, 2005

32πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


1. an anal sack of fluid. . .adjective style.
2. uncool

Ohhhh nooo!! I didnt shave my anus, this is so sackular!!

by iNsaNeucHiha February 25, 2005

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž