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margarine toast butterer

a random insult; it can be used randomly, and can also substitute for cum slut or whore for more *family friendly* dialogue

i swear to god you better not uwu @me you heckin mArgARiNe ToaST buTtEreR

by iambek July 28, 2019

brain destroyer

Brain destroyer is a move or action that seems stupid and is meant to confuse an opponent/opposer.
It is similar to a mix-up, though it cannot be used interchangeably.

This phrase is generally associated with strategic disarray: making the opponent gain a false sense of security, and act when they don't expect it. (Expect the unexpected)

Northernlion: "And then he's like I don't know what the fuck is happening, so you throw him the brain destroyer."

(used in a Northernlion YouTube short, "Owning the batter in toy baseball" at roughly 0:41)

by iambek January 18, 2022

3👍 2👎

best buddy in bed

something or someone that you snuggle with in bed

I have this cute stuffed doggie from when I was 3 months old. He's my best buddy in bed; I love him very much.

by iambek November 10, 2019

bunny burrito

a bunny wrapped like a burrito in a cloth/towel

This is how to safely wrap up your pet rabbit in a “bunny burrito” to administer oral medications.

by iambek January 18, 2022