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A brunette girl, who likes a wild adventure such as skydiving or hiking on volcanos.
She is usually tame, but when angered , she reaches a new power spike. (Messing with her sister).
She is also has the power of love, that makes people fall in love with her whether it be in person or over the internet.

Anne: Yo, Vyana where did Zazzy go?
Vyana: I think she is meeting someone we spoke to over teamspeak
Anne: Who?
Joe: nice nice, does he make bank?
Anne: I thought they just met, that's a bit fucked up
Joe: naw man you gotta just do it

Vyana: apparently they been talking for a while
Anne: holy shit that's so overpowered , it's cute. zazzy is getting married?!?
Vyana: maybe so, she would've told me by now
Joe: good luck to zazzy, we need another person in this group

by iannefrank September 3, 2015

12👍 19👎


A girl with a unique talent that her peers don't have.
They tend to be blonde.
She is sweet, but even more to her siblings.
Vanilla is her go to ice cream flavor

Giti: Wow did you see vyana? She's at the ice cream shack again.

Joe: Again? I wonder who she took this time. I went with her yesterday with Zazzy.
Zazzy: I think she took Hellbabes and Ulti this time around. Maybe we should just buy her an ice cream shack.

Giti: HA , but i only have coffee ice cream
Joe: like she would be a ten, but the gym is so far away from the ice cream. makes traveling a bit far.
Anne: wow that's fucked up, go get that vyana, joe

by iannefrank September 3, 2015

3👍 4👎