A roblox game I played for 2 months and I can´t defeat a sharko cause the kicks, and To1 is hard to beat as well
I wiped a lot of times, got gripped and etc
I wiped a curved blade someone gave cause that is being boosted and I´m a skill issue
I already have spent 4 k of robux to get a vesperian race and ye I did but he is stuck in Eternal Gale without no ligth hook cause my skill issue
Anyways mudskipper broodlords the purple ones are the worst shit you can find as deepbound cause they sis sus can end with all castle diver in mins and go to make you hell nah
And remember BLOCK, PARRY AND DODGE or you´re a perma freshie like me, yesterday I killed trashwalker
Degeat the Scion of Ethiron, Diluvians and hell modes for op stuff like curved blades, crypt blades, Gran sudaruska, etc
guy 1: "Yo bro wanna play deepwoken and teach me? "
guy 2 : "Nah you need to get good cause you aren´t usefull, just a fresh healthpack for others"
this is what I got in the first days of playing the game
Roblox game I played for 2 months and really hard to get good, including perma death cause you wipe and need to restart again
Also you can find any annoyance in your way such in castaway any monster op boosted, etc or voidwalker of any kind
In depths the gankers and the corrupted broodlords aren´t an exception
Also you need to kill bosses, pvp and depths farming to get a bell,: "I got one in layer 2, and was yapback"
you need to do Scion of Ethiron, diluvians and hell modes to get op stuff like the curved blade I wiped
A lot of players aren´t to trust and they will kill you in most of case or lie to manipulate you for free loot like giving them a 3 stars suda or 1 star curved is lost in the void
In this game to learn block parry and dodge but I´m bad to do it cause I´m a perma freshie and I have skill issue
And I forgot last feature of game, hour f grind + 4 k spent into gambling races, only to get a vesperian, I bet more did like me by buying slots they never will use
guy 1 : yo bro wanna play deepwoken?
guy 2: that perma death game?
guy 1: of course, why not?
guy 2: we doing Scion I wanna see Krysa?
guy 1 : of course my freshie you deserve all
player from deepwoken who can´t get good and do block parry dodge like any other player in game, also they normally are boosted, and always wipe to any depths monster they can´t defeat cause they lack of that skill
guy 1 : did you see that perma freshie´s loot
guy 2: ofc a lot of op stuff my dude
guy 1: I bet his friends gave it to him for free
guy 2: ye I bet they are same skill issued like him
DEEPWOKEN mob I fear in second layer floor 1 as a freshie
It grabs you and breaks your ribcage with his bone ahh hands
A freshie always dies in the path of generator while killing this or vov of thorns gives you 5 of these and a mama thresher all cursed
" Man I´m stuck in layer 2 with no hook and I´m gonna be wiped by a Bone Keeper"