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East Milton

Milton is a small town in Massachusetts. It's divided into two sides: East and West. Middle school boys are constantly arguing over whether "East is beast" or "West is best".

You'll find your stereotypical nice homes and families in East Milton. West Milton residents often call East Milton residents snobby but thats not completely true. Emil, just another slang term for East Milton, is filled with complete studs and the easiest girls. Because none of these people have ever heard of a house party, they hit up the Woods. As usual the cops show up and some of them get arrested, but this doesn't stop them. They're also known for the dumbest slang in all of Massachusetts. Overall, they know how to party but a ton of them are dumb as bricks.

Dude 1: "Yo, man, today Chad got blown by Stacy and Lindsay in the bathroom"
Dude 2: "Haha, anyways you coming to the woods tonight?"
Dude 1: "Totally dude, this is East Milton! What else would we do on a Friday night?"

by ihatehairlesscatz April 27, 2017

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