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when a girl is on her period and gets mad when you say something that would normally just piss her off a little bit.
this is probably because she's experiencing horrible cramps while at the same time being accused of using her period as an excuse not to please her man.
whoever thinks a period is torture for MEN is seriously misguided. swallow a ravenous squirrel, sit there until it claws itself out while a tampon is up your ass and maybe you'll feel differently.

not all girls go through bad PMS, like me, for instance. i'm lucky that way, I usually just curl up in pain and try to avoid any talking.

by ihateperiods. January 31, 2008

671👍 292👎


when us ladies bleed out of our vaginas on a monthly basis. it lasts about a week on average and may cause you to sit at an awkward angle when you're in school.
causes horrid cramps for most girls.
when you hang out with people enough, supposedly you all menstruate at the same time. this is when the crime rate goes up in your neighborhood/area.

guy: hey, slut, you wanna suck my-
girl: don't fuck with me! i'm on my period, asswipe!

by ihateperiods. January 31, 2008

910👍 150👎