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Someone who believes that Donald Trump is a divine, blessed or Messianic person.

All the evangelical and christian right extremists are nothing but a bunch of Trumpostates.

by ilookmarvlus July 1, 2019

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a person who spouts specious, inane and trivial trivial political rhetoric.

a mitwit who repeats the "party line" regardless or whether or not it has any bearing, meaning, logic or value.

That guy's just another mittpicker, incapable of putting together a logical cogent thought!

by ilookmarvlus July 27, 2012

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Satan's Air Biscuits

Particularly loud and noticable flatuance accompanied by the strong and lingering smell of decay and sulfer.

Wooo, I really brought a case of Satan's Air Biscuits home today. If you try you can almost smell the black beans from my lunch-time burrito.

by ilookmarvlus December 13, 2012

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A spineless person who always gives up, a quitter.

His entire attitude made me so angry, so told him to get off his phone and go to work and he just looked at me a walked away. Please don't hire another capitulist!

by ilookmarvlus January 19, 2022


The cause of Presidementia and learning way far to the right.

I heard Trump caught the Covefevirus and developed Presidementia! Yeah itҀ™s pandemic in the administration

by ilookmarvlus February 26, 2020


Followers and devotees to Donald Trump and his Make America Great philosophy. A person who vehemently espouses the denigrating views and oral tripe that mark Trump's campaign rhetoric.

Donald Trump is an Asshat and every one of his followers is a Trumphoon.

by ilookmarvlus May 30, 2016

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Boot Cut Panties

A style of underwear worn by country gals under their daisy dukes.

Say Dora May, ain't these new boot cut panties the sweetest? The color matches my red Tony Lamas and they accent my long horn tramp stamp perfectly!

by ilookmarvlus January 26, 2012

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