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Vampires have been a popular ledgen for centuries. They immortal beings that drink blood to survie. I am going to give you my personal impion since there are many definetions for mystical creatures such as vampires. They do not burn if they go out in the sun nor do they sparkel. They are pale and very beautiful. They have inhumane streanth, speed and other hightened senses. You kill not kill a vampire buy a wooden stake nor tearing them to shreds. A good decapitaion will do but perfoming it will be the trickey part. They have souls but dont care if theykill a humane since they are on the top of the foood chain. A wolf wouldnt mind killing a rabbit so it could survie which is the same thing when it comes to vampires killing humanes. They are predetores and fierce killers but can show emotions and can fell regret and pain but wouldnt feel that towards the humane unless they let there selves get close to them. You dont minf killing a chinken unles youare a vegeterain but if you got to know the chinken and it became your pet and you name it aswell. Then you have chiken for dinner and you relize you are eating Bob. It is the same thing. Vampires havediffrent personalities and abilites. To become a vampire a vampire drinks your blood and you drink thier blood as well.

An immortal vampire that drinks blood.
yeah thats all I got

by ilostmymarbels February 16, 2009

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