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One of the most conservative cities in India.
If embracing modernism without losing out on India's core values and radiant culture is conservative, SO BE IT.

As in all parts of the world, men scratch their balls, except they do it in a Lungi (or would you like me to call it a KILT) and women apply "yellow powder" (turmeric, to be more precise) and pin flowers on their hair (instead of throwing on a fragrance by Gucci and ironing their hair until it falls off)

The sewage does not overflow on streets, btw. Water logging due to rains is an issue. What does seem to overflow though is the presence of ignorant fools who seem to be posting irrelevant nonsense on websites. ;)

Like in most renowned cities, in Chennai too the traffic snarls. If one has been to NYC, Dubai or HK they'd quit complaining and know what REAL traffic is.

"North Indians" migrated to Chennai for God-knows-what reason. They're as welcome to leave as they are to stay. No one killed anyone, btw.

Unfortunately, it is a hub to LTTE. But so is Mumbai to Dawood Ibrahim and Bangalore to Tarakari Khaleel.

One of the major IT/BPO outsourcing destination, the next time you call tech support and hear a polite and patient person (who may not speak perfect English, but sure as hell wouldn't try putting up an accent) and is willing to answer all your questions, you know where to find him/her.

Chennai is wasting so much of its time housing ignorant fools and morons (who lived there for 6 years). ;)


Chennai is a beautiful city.
My friend, Susan, lives in Chennai.

by ilovechennai March 17, 2011

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