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The weirdest person you will ever meet in your life.

Is associated with playing the Wii or Qui or saying Wheeeee.
Also loves to use parrots~ Macaw. MaMOOO
The 3 derives from the shape of a butt. Which derives from the face of the person. Which derives from... their mothers. SCARY THOUGHT.

3s need to take more baths and become clean like shave their beard and mustache and hair because it is unattractive
No one will understand this definition except for three cool girls named puh, puh and puh. Be jealous.

Person 1: Orilla?
Person 2: Yarilla!
Person 1: Orilla?
Person 2: Yarilla!
Person 3: NOLINA!
Person 2: SeriASHly.
Person 1: Ew look at 3.

Person 2: aka the butt.
Person 3: aka the mamoo
Person 1: aka the wii console
Person 2: aka sliding down a slide, WHEEEEE
Person 3: aka weirdo person
Person 2: *rubs cheeks*
Person 3: Dang, i hate the number 3 now

by ilovewinniethepooh April 7, 2011

10👍 34👎