yara is a special kind of girl. she's not like others. she's pretty, smart, and somtimes mean. She will appear kinda weird at first but once you get to know her she will blow your mind.she loves her friends.and will accept no bs from others. yara is also comforting. she will always stand up for her friends, and will always be there for them no matter what.she can be really bossy sometimes. her pickup lines are extremely corny and dumb.
yara is nice asf idk what i would do without her she will forever be one of my best friends
yara is a special kind of girl. shes not like others. shes pretty, smart, somtimes mean. she will appear kinda weird at first but once you get to know her she will blow your mind.she loves her friends. and will accept no bs from others. she will always stand up for her friends, and will always be there for them no matter what. the jokes she makes are extremely stupid and corny but theyre kinda funny tbh.
yara's sweet asf I don't know what to do without her she's hoestly my best friend