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A genetically flawed white American male that can't think for itself.

A Justin comes from a long line of sheeples. Back in the 70s, sheeples named their kids Justin because it was the cool "in thing" to do. Those kids grew up and had little Justins of their own....but these are not typical Justins. Since Ritalin has been a trendy drug that all cool parents give to their kids, we now have a generation of Super Justins.

A Justin feels the need to follow all the latest trends and styles.
He loves to shop at the pretty boy stores in the mall.
Often seen sporting white rimmed sunglasses while driving a Fast and Furious 90 HP Honda Civic.
A Justin will text more than a 13 year old girl named Britney.

Never separate a Justin from his cell phone, he'll die instantly!

Hey look at that Justin over there wearing the Abercrombie sweater and beaded necklace!

That Justin has so much cologne on he smells like a french whore.

by imafollower May 16, 2010

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