You have only just started your journey of boredom, prepare for your boredom meter to burst while you go through on other adventures through bored world.
me:DoODdD I just typed in qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm and it is hilarious!
apparently, you have just started your adventure of boredom. do not worry, there are still more to come on this adventure. so your school blocked coolmathsgames as well huh? sad life
damn, my head is about to burst in boredom. maybe I would just type in qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm to see what would happen.
This word is only found when you're stuck in school and all the other websites are blocked, even coolmathsgames, and yet you have not killed yourself from the boredom yet. Congratulations.
You: oh shit, coolmathsgames is blocked
Friend: I just played around with my computer! look what I came up with, qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp.
You: im so fucking bored