The Event Director for Neuro's SCP Foundation who doesn't know anything but to start arguments and discussions. Soon he'll be replaced by someone new and better.
Hey look! It's Pudimoon, the Event Director.
Mikelufaxio is a Clearance Level-5 in the Neuro's SCP Foundation. Maybe one day you're reading this, Mikelufaxio is not a Clearance Level-5 anymore or has left the Neuro's SCP Foundation.
Look! It'sMikelufaxio, the Level-5.
NOVlCA is an SD Overseer in the Neuro's SCP Foundation. Maybe one day you're reading this, NOVlCA is not an SD Overseer anymore or has left the Neuro's SCP Foundation.
Look! It's NOVlCA, the SD Overseer.
The most cutest teen boy I met in my entire life.
His name: Carlrich
How I call him: Carlitooo!
Natsukis Fang is a Gust in the Neuro's SCP Foundation. Maybe one day you're reading this, Natsukis Fang is not a Guest anymore or has left the Neuro's SCP Foundation.
Look! It's Natsukis Fang, the Guest.
Liammydude is a Clearance Level-4 in the Neuro's SCP Foundation. Maybe one day you're reading this, Liammydude is not a Clearance Level-4 anymore or has left the Neuro's SCP Foundation.
Look! It's Liammydude, the Level-4.