Source Code

D2 Crashout

D2 Crashout - Going a little out of hand. A genuine insult, threat, or frustration. Balanced between D3 and D1.

Person 1: istg if i die in this low quality shitty fuck ass game one more time im going to D2 crashout beyond belief

by imgoinginsanelmao March 1, 2025

sex crashout

doing smth outrageously sexual that you'll deeply regret later


by imgoinginsanelmao March 1, 2025

A Souldrivenlove

A souldrivenlove is a person that likes to ping everyone in discord servers five times in a row and not release Forsaken Updates.

A souldrivenlove: *Pings everyone 5 times*

Everyone: Oh, it’s just a souldrivenlove!

by imgoinginsanelmao February 13, 2025

D3 Crashout

The possibly lowest kind of crash out. A crash out that barely offends or threatens anyone and is usually neutral

Guy just told me to stfu and kms, shit aint even that bad, D3 Crashout at best.

by imgoinginsanelmao March 1, 2025

D-1 Crashout

-D1 or D-1 Crashout, an international threat to society. most likely will cause a mass shooting. most likely will be on the FBI's watchlist

vro my friend just turned into a serial killer over losing his gf 😭🙏. vros going on a d-1 crashout

by imgoinginsanelmao March 1, 2025

D0 Crashout

The act of crashing out beyond legal boundaries. Saying things that can potentially get you questioned or in prison.

Person 1: Dude, he's fucking threatening my entire family and saying the most OUTRAGEOUS shit. This is not even a D1 Crash Out, its a D0 Crashout!

by imgoinginsanelmao February 16, 2025