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Hibah the horse girl

she is a horse girl. she is the best horse girl you’ll ever meet. she loves her friends, but people hate on her for no reason. she is barely passing science, and we love that! she is an amazing human being! we love our local horse girl!

Do you see who is coming? It’s hibah the horse girl!

by iminlovewithbeiberballs November 30, 2019

10👍 4👎

momo my moomoo cow

the coolest moomoo cow you’ll ever meet. they got that drip drip💪🏼 you can use this when you see someone who is super cool and reminds you of a cow, because cows are adorable.

Look, it’s my favourite cutie pie, momo my moomoo cow!

by iminlovewithbeiberballs January 7, 2022

2👍 1👎