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chesterton academy

You wake up at six in the morning to go to a building which resembles a prison located in the Hopkins area where a compulsory 4 years of a teenagers life are wasted.

While strolling along the corridors of CA you may come across some of the following paracites:

The Homeschoolers. They are rare, overly sheltered humans who lack the ability to socialize with humans other than their mom or one of their 15 siblings. If you say stupid they will immediately drop their things and find a teacher. Unless that means not being 4 minutes early to class. Because that’s the most important thing.
The Quiet kids. You don’t know if they are also homeschoolers, or just mentally coo coo. It’s quite rare to walk past these kids without being stared down until you turn the corner and are out of there sight.

The somewhat-normal kids:
These people DO KNOW how to socialize, they understand there’s more to wear than farmer jeans and polo shirts, and oh yeah. They have Cell-Phones. Which is quite rare until Junior year for most people at CA.

Finally, there’s the special individuals. They are either 11/10’s and don’t belong in a sh*thole like CA, or they clearly the superiors. Pretty much what normal high schoolers should be. But they are hated by the teachers because they are not sheltered enough, and they might “spoil” the other future seminarians.

**Meeting someone new**
“Hey what school do you go to?”
“Ohh uhhh... a private school in Hopkins :)”
“Oh what’s it’s called”
“Uhhh it’s really small you probably don’t know it”
“It’s okay try me.”
“Okay... Chesterton Aca—“

by irregularforcircles March 9, 2021

16👍 7👎