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Taylor Swift

Overrated, overexposed grown woman who can't get over her long-gone high school days. Claims to be a "country" singer when she's from Pennsylvania and her songs are nothing but manufactured pop music made for radio, with a bit of banjo and fake country twang thrown in here and there.

Strums the same chords over and over, has an average voice, and mediocre writing abilities which mainly focus on boys and what not. But because of her ability to dazzle gullible tweens with her sparkly prom dresses, catchy tunes, and overly innocent, vanilla persona, she has moved on to fooling the general masses into thinking she is a gift to the music world.

But alas, people will inevitably get sick of her being forced down their throats. She will eventually be embroiled in some sort of scandal as she is actually bat-shit crazy in reality, and her career will come spiraling down into oblivion. Kanye West will then be known as Prophet Kanye for seeing and warning us all of this before it happened.

Ten years from now:
Romeo Butkiss: Hey, did you see that "Where Are They Now?" episode last night?

Juliet Vomitus: Yeah! That Taylor Swift broad with the squinty eyes who peaked too fast was on there. She's divorced now and living with her 13 cats in Stumptoe, Arkansas.

by isisnyc November 24, 2009

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