using scuba gear at night OR ( hairy indoor body surfing )
night diving off redondo beach can be fun.
night diving off oakland can be hairy.
They have some big fog horns in the bay area, best advice don't bend over in the fog, bahoooo bahoooo!
2π 7π
california mexican food for gringos south of mason dixon line
butter 2 cloves garlic + kosher medium cheddar cheese & some mexican bacon alfrado sauce. Eat fresh Califrado pour mixture over chilli rellenos.. enjoy a california urban meal....
PS Mexican bacon is very good!!( muy bueno )
place where naked women put small pictures so horny green eye'd hairy faced men can oggle them...
I goggle thumb gallery & mr softie became mr hardie.
trabajo de la mano ( mexican hand job ) like a jippy lube only slower..
me madre her cabasa in my la tocador. I had a gringo playboy book.
She yelled " mexican mano get off the pot."
mucho trabajo mucho trabajo de la mano thats all you are good for....
3π 14π
devil woman ( one who gives mahicka mures )
Domestic devia udd came unto me! black as night kingfisher she was! Yodee I twas hooked line & sinker.
When devia's go man fishing in hollywood U is hooked!
3π 43π
when a woman makes love to your arm pit.
young hollywood ho started on my arm pit licking, and kissing in middle on my arm pit. When a girl really loves your arm pit sex kinda turns you on, makes U feel like laying on the beach.
warm sand over your toes nice warm kissy arm pit sex nice safe sex. PS put on mexican shorts
52π 75π
Securities and Exchange Commission Lower than FEMA or FCC
whooped bunch of hooty jahoosin the sec doing nothing butt sucking the american tax payer while the stock market burns & ceo's screw investors. And Bush doesn't have a clue what sec does!
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