US Government term = ( we don't know wtf is going on )
Bush has been in a fog of war 6 years. Iraq's kick sand in the air & GI's eat dirt! now that is fog of war. Republican guard is not working for Bush, need to draft more mexican's to guard the republicans.
12π 28π
urin thumin were stones used by old hebrew's for dowsing.
Yo man you can buy a urin & thumin rock on E_Bay for less than 10 dollars.
I sold california rocks on E_Bay . Crazy norte americanos poco loco Si!!
4π 10π
naval weapons lab at china lake caleefornia
The dod tax money goes to nwl + area 51 desert rats playing games with wmd and the americanos think aliens cause problems.
3π 23π
softwear written in house costs less than going outhouse
yo dude check my inhouse software just point click & crash.
Cpu vectors to address zero halt! I'm #1 core hog !!!!
There are sooo many inhouse core hogs @ WSU even Mr. softie can't control them.
4π 27π
mexican with ( two ) dos 6-packs of tecate beer
I saw hombre laying tijauna river with 2 6-packs.
Saying mexican chooka chooka,chooka,chooka like a steam engine just blowing shit, water, mud, he was bad ass!
Border patrol ran back 100 yards. chooka chooka!
6π 10π
like texas boots with long sharp toes & ( high heels )
I use my mexican boots to trap cockroches. With point'd toes place on back legs of cockroches use hand scoopum up.
In mexico we wear mexican boots to bed. U ask WHY??
Becuase the mexican water bugs are so big we just kickum out of bed with our boots..
10π 21π
Balboa Bar made of vanilla ice cream dipped in peanut shavings...
take three-car ferryboat from newport beach, to get a Balboa bar + frozen banana.
if U visit California mexifornia don't go home without eating a Balboa bar..
17π 9π