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guilt miles

Guilt Miles are the points collected from a guilt trip. Unlike Air Miles, these 'points' are collected from people, typically those that find the truth to be too painful and try to make you feel bad/guilty about what you said.

Jackie: *cries* I've been working really hard at work lately, and you know the whole thing with my Mom dying has been really stressful. And it's almost my Birthday and I feel so old...

Ryan: Whatever. You're 23 in 5 months, your Mom died 8 years ago and you make sand castles with kids at work. 400 points.

Jackie: Huh?

Ryan: Guilt Miles you crazy b*tch. I could fly the world by now from the points you dish out daily.

by itjustclicked July 6, 2010

5👍 4👎

Selective Perfectionist

The name given to a person that chooses to complete random tasks to perfection, but lacks the ability to perfect or even attempt the other necessary tasks in life. A Selective Perfectionist has the full potential to do everything "just right" but chooses to waste all of their time perfecting something else when other things require attention. Also known as procrastinating.

See also: Selective hearing

Example one:
John: *In an over-enthusiastic voice* "I just spent 7 hours at work today organizing and perfecting some file drawers, I even re-color coded everything and put it in super-alphabetical order"

Diane: "Well that's great for you John, but have you done your laundry yet or taken out the garbage?"

John: "Uh, no."

Jane: "You're such a selective perfectionist. I want a divorce."

Example two:

Mom: "Jeffrey, have you cleaned up your room yet or packed for the Florida trip?"

Jeffrey: "Not jussst yet. See, I was playing Spore and I started creating my creature, then it needed wings, and I thought some horns would look pretty cool. Then I just had to give it some big eyes and razors for feet. And..."

Mom: "For f@#$ sake Jeffrey, you're 24. Put down the video game and turn your selective perfectionst attitude towards things that need your attention, like your room, or a SHOWER. I need a drink"

by itjustclicked May 8, 2010

26👍 2👎