The first novel in the extremely popular series by Stephanie Meyer.
Okay, first of all, the book is extremely cliche and provides little to no literary technique. After just a few chapters, it was clear that the plot was undeveloped and more or less just a way to develop characters.
However...I, along with many others, could care less about the plot development or technique. The story of this book WAS cliche and easy to predict...but that's why we, the fans, love it. Everyone loves the story of the normal, nice girl getting the perfect man and triumphing over evil; everyone loves and/or desires that wonderful Romeo & Juliet/"I'm-desperate-without-you" love that we see bloom in Twilight.
It is a good story. It is one that has pieces that everyone can predict, yes, but isn't that why we love it? It is a classic love story.
"I hate Twilight so much! Bella is always whining and her boyfriend(s) are so obsessed with her for no reason! Plus, the book is a piece of garbage!"
-"Have you ever even read it?"
2👍 10👎