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Wtf means wellcome too facebook!

(starts new facebook account): WTF 🎉

by ixmxlover134 January 7, 2018


Wtf means Wednesday Tuesday Friday. Its usually used in questions.

(your mom): when are you coming home Wtf???

by ixmxlover134 January 7, 2018


the heart for close friendship or for early relationship

sam: goodnight bestii🤍
sara: gnnn🤍
juliette @ john : ttyl cant wait to talk more🤍

by ixmxlover134 January 11, 2020

119👍 18👎


Paulrobert is the type of girl who seems unsocial ,but if you get to know her she's a really good friend. A Paulrobert is funny,creative and loyale to her friends.A Paulrobert has many friend but she usually say she doesn't.A Paulrobert is beauty in person.Paulrobert is also very smart and kind.Paulrobert dates older guys , it doesn't matter.

girls:Omg look at this girl she looks really nice and funny . I really want to be best friend with her!
guys:Look at that beauty , she must be a Paulrobert.

by ixmxlover134 January 4, 2018


small tiktoker and fellow 1D stan on twitter! Their content usually consists of thirst traps or weeb content as they are an anime enthusiast, on twitter their platform is dedicated to mostly 1D but sometimes there's some relatable stuff.They use they/them pronouns and identify as lesbian or trixic. They enjoy skateboarding, anime, art and music. They're nice , pretty and their name is Sam !

bob: have you seen malestraggot 's new post?
elijah: no but ill check it out at home !

by ixmxlover134 March 16, 2021


a lesbian’s / bisexual’s first tattoo or tattoo

person: oh look she has a tattoo of some 🌿 on her arm

other : she’s probably a lesbian

other: or she could be a bisexual

by ixmxlover134 January 13, 2020

10👍 5👎