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the ability to speak your mind, even if other people don't want to hear it, without anyone stoping you.

here in america, we are supposed to have freedom of speech.

it is important to always question authority (always)

think for yourself

by iznek June 15, 2006

40👍 14👎

love at first sight

name given to a sense of importance the first time you meet someone. not truly 'love' yet is not just bullshit. it doesn't always result in love or even a relationship. the opposite would be meeting someone and knowing right away they suck in general.

often idolized, and is either extremly over-rated or extremly under rated, or they don't really care.

- the first time i looked in his eyes i knew he was something special, i guess it was love at first sight

by iznek June 15, 2006

205👍 93👎

brittany spears

a pre-packaged bubblegum princess, currently pregnant with a second child. talentless, live very poor voice, digitally edited voice is actually pleasant. all of her songs are written badly(music and lyrics).

- wow, brittany spears sure let herself go. her sexiness sure died fast. madonna is still hot. compare and contrast.

- TINA FEY (back when brittany was hot) "Britney's ass looks good. Look at that ass. That is a cherry bomb. You gotta look at that thing through a hole in a paper plate. Britney, in about five years that whole area is gonna blow, so enjoy it now. Have it photographed as much as possible. Rub it with fine oils and liniments. You will miss it when it's gone. And, as for whether or not those are breast implants are not.. Britney was on our show last year, I worked with her.. and, to me, her breasts felt completely real."

by iznek June 14, 2006

84👍 74👎