There's always the kid who has an obsession. This is this kid. He enjoys pretty much everything, and everyone. He is quick to make a friends and can put a smile on peoples face. Pretty smart I suppose.
Kid: Oh hey Jacob France.
Jacob France: Hey dude how are you doing, hey did you hear about this phobia?
Kid: Sigh...
Hey, I have the fear of the number 666.
So you have hexakosiohexakontahexaphobia?
Hey, do you have hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?
Yes, I have a fear of long words.
Fear of being severely punished and beaten by a magic wand after being severely criticised.
Hey do you have rabdophobia?
An adjective describing someone who often (or always) spell things wrong.
Person: Hey, I think you are a plumble.
Me: That is incorect.