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All Canadian citizens can call 1-800-OCANADA and order 5 portraits of the queen, they are entitled to this. Queening is the next step after getting a girl in bed. Once you have that bitch wrapped around your finger, you get her to call up the hotline, order up the queens and when they arrive you have her give them to you; taking what's entitled to her. Then you leave her, for good. It's an emotional forgery that was created for the sole purpose of getting these pictures.

Can be used in past tense as "queened"
e.g. "I totally queened that girl I met on new years."

"Yo, are you still dating that one girl?"
"Dating, no I was just queening that bitch"
"Awe, fuck yeah"
"Yeah bro, got the portraits and now I have her majesty looking over me in the bedroom AND the bathroom"

by jacwa123 January 15, 2014

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