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Someone who derails a discussion or functioning of a group, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Frequently used in leftist (socialist/communist) circles, often with aspersions of being a spook, cop, or COINTELPRO infiltrator.

Examples of wrecker behavior include:

* exclusively focused on condemning shortfalls while exhibiting zero interest in discussing or acknowledging any solutions that are suggested

* endless questioning of the proper forum for the topic at hand
* being excessively pedantic when it benefits them, yet quick to misrepresent others' views/statements

* long tangents, or just taking up an outsize percentage of airtime about themselves and their individual concerns
* revisiting topics that have already been settled, or just repeating themselves in general at great length
* attempting to exert their own individual influence and control over a democratic/consensus decision, and becoming very agitated/verbose if they do not succeed in swaying others
* incendiary comments intended to (or effectively serve to) distract and stir up drama, especially in a public forum. This often includes targeting those they expect adversarial responses from. Closely resembles trolling.

Wow, that sabotage pamphlet from the CIA titled "General Interference with Organizations and Production" is like wrecker 101

by jadette December 17, 2020

29👍 94👎