There is no such thing as a chav. All said "Chavs" are wannabes and therefore cannot exist, the most pathetic (therefore laughable) "Chavs" are those who watch T.V, and then copy a rap video, (normally resulting in said "Chav" getting drunk on alcopops and then having a scrape with the police while on a second-hand moped down the M25) examples of pathetic "Chavs" are those who followed Ali G and his mannerisms (forgetting, or just being stupid enough to not realise) that he is taking the F'ing piss out of them. In short, "Chavs" are miss understood bunnies that stab away the parents that never hugged them. It is a major insult to be called a Chav (any type of labelling is a load of bull anyway)
Bloke: You sound like a dick
"Chav" stabs bloke
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