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a reigatian term for stealing. If something has gone missing, someone (namely Peters himself) has peters-ed it. A peters-ed incident is identifiable as something that is completely useless in purpose or value, and has gone missing. those that spot this burglary should all utter in unison PETERS..

can describe lying on ones back when about to score in hockey. one who performs this seemingly impossible feat is said to be in a state of peters.

Can also describe the explosion of home-made ginger beer. the bottle is said to have peters-ed. bonus points are awarded if the lemon pieces go all over the victim.

'peters came to my house last weekend, and peters-ed my guitar jack. i only found out when he told me.'

'theres a ball missing from this atom arrangement diagram.. PETERS..'

look at that peters lying on the ground when the cross came in..

the home-made ginger beer peters-ed all over Mr Dare, complete with lemon pieces to flavour.

by jamesblay December 3, 2009

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