Source Code

phantom switch

A switch in a house hold that does not turn anything on or off, or do anything else.

click, click, click
jonny:stop playing with that switch, you will break it.
bob: dont worry, its just a phantom switch, it doesnt do anything

by jamezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz January 29, 2006

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

bim bom

The noise the doors make on the trains before the doors close.

bim bom (the train doors close)

by jamezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz April 22, 2006

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


These are invisilicant who usually stay in herds or flocks for protection. They also have very limited vocabulary that usually consists of 'fuckin cmon then, got any fags, init, phat, burbury, smash your face in, bling bling,fuck you, hate goths, hate emos, hate skaters, and hate chavs.

Chavs are all invislicants and ignoramouses.

by jamezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz December 15, 2005

184πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


These are invisilicant who usually stay in herds or flocks for protection. They also have very limited vocabulary that usually consists of 'fuckin cmon then, got any fags, init, phat, burbury, smash your face in, bling bling,fuck you, hate goths, hate emos, hate skaters, and hate chavs.

Chavs are all invislicants and ignoramouses.

by jamezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz December 15, 2005

255πŸ‘ 114πŸ‘Ž


A rotbot in disguise, more than meets the eye.

Optemus prime , the transformer is kickass. Im so sad, im 25.

by jamezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz October 6, 2005

483πŸ‘ 134πŸ‘Ž

gangster herd

Bad ass mean gangsters that stick close together for protection.

Yo dog, wanna join me gangster herd? We is about to get it popin up in here. yea boi!

by jamezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz April 17, 2006

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


idiot way of spelling ninja...

'hey look a ninger!'typed billy
'its a ninja idiot' typed billys supirior

by jamezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz April 17, 2006

9πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž